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Being a Hyper-Casual mobile gaming artist
Being at Voodoo as a Game Artist on Hyper Casual mobile games is a great move, not only if you’re starting your professional career, but also to take the next big step.

Never boring

I always liked mobile games, first because they’re accessible for many people, and also, because they allow you to stay on the cutting edge of technology. And as a Game Artist, in my opinion, working in the Hyper Casual industry is a great opportunity to extend your portfolio, and particularly at Voodoo. Indeed, here you work in a very small team of 4 to 6 people maximum, in a little studio, and in general there is one game artist for every two game developers. So you can have this huge impact on the decisions and the business. You actively participate in the ideation of the game, in the creation and then in the delivery of it. Your opinions and ideas are all taken into account. 

In general, we work on one or two games at the same time, in the space of one or two weeks. Your prototype is then sent out to players and, according to the stats, you know if it is going to be a potential hit game or not. When you’ve found yourself a promising prototype, you and the team propose improvements, maybe review the gameplay, and change features or colors to make it more entertaining.

In contrast, if the stats are not sufficiently promising, we kill the game, whether you like it or not. Our main goal is to create hit games that entertain millions of players. It can be sometimes difficult for artists and game developers to accept killing a game, but it is also very satisfying to know that you are not working in vain. Because with the right stats, your game has a high probability of being on the store and downloaded by many people.

Culture of ownership, freedom and creativity

Being at Voodoo as a Game Artist on Hyper Casual mobile games is a great move, not only if you’re starting your professional career, but also to take the next  big step. Working on hyper casual games at Voodoo allows you to work on new games every two weeks. And in contrast to what some might think, a game artist on HC games doesn’t just play around with pre-existing assets, as a Voodoo game artist, you create eye-catching art for our mobile games, making our games look great to help bring joy to millions of players.

Changing games twice a month means you always have a way to express yourself by using many tools to change the features faster. And working in a very small and agile team as the only game artist, you participate in the creation of the game from A to Z, creating 2D and 3D art assets and integrating them into Unity. What I enjoy the most is that I am integrated in the ideation phase, which my team and I think is the most creative phase, to ensure the best results, with the promise of getting various projects. So we are constantly reinventing ourselves and refreshing our ideas.

As a game artist we can really feel the added value of projects that we bring. While in general at other gaming companies, game artists are not involved in the creation of a game, they are just told to work on a feature for several months or even a year. That is why I love my job here, as a game artist, I am always involved in the reflection processes and constantly discussing with my team about ideations, iteration design, all throughout the creation of prototypes and games.

If you would like to join the Voodoo team, you can apply directly here on our career site.

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