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Voodoo Game Competition: Make The Next Puzzle Hit
Discover Voodoo's product vision and craft the next big Puzzle hit. Read on to find out how we could make the next hit game together.

We are thrilled to announce the first ever Voodoo gaming competition dedicated to Hybrid Casual games. Running from November 15th to February 15th, it offers a unique opportunity to create the next Hybrid Casual sensation. From concept to game launch, we're committed to providing unwavering support, transforming your ideas and products into profitable games.

Focus on Puzzle

Voodoo competition revolves around Hybrid Puzzle games, a mobile gaming genre known for delivering robust long-term retention and monetization prospects. Over the competition period, we will provide some insights on Puzzle sub-genres to explore and will deliver guidelines on crafting successful games. We also encourage you to innovate and test new Puzzle mechanics.

Support & Processes

Throughout the competition, you'll receive comprehensive support to optimize your games and enhance your chances of creating a HybridCasual Hit.

(i) We'll provide guidelines specific to each Puzzle sub-genre to steer you in the right direction.

(ii) You will be given an access to our Publishing Platform & Voodoo will pay the advertising campaigns to test your games in the US.

(iii) For studios new to Voodoo, the competition is an unique chance to enter Voodoo ecosystem and get in touch with our Publishing Team. Sign a Publishing Agreement and embark on a long-term journey with Voodoo.


In addition to our product support, we offer financial rewards for the best prototypes and the games tested during the competition.

(i) $2 Million First prize - For the first game that becomes a hit within one year of the end of the competition.

(ii) Best Prototype prize - The game displaying the strongest metrics (Retention and marketability) at the end of the competition will be eligible to receive a prize of $10,000

(iii) Innovation & Creativity prize - The game that Voodoo considers the most innovative puzzle game tested will be eligible to receive a prize of $10,000.

Ready to sign up?

Are you prepared for the year's most substantial HybridCasual Puzzle competition? Whether you're a seasoned partner or a newcomer, we're eager to see your prototypes and support your journey. Register now, begin testing your games between November 15th and February 15th (tests must start before midnight), and join us in March 2024 for the awards ceremony.

  • Currently working with Voodoo? — Sign up here

  • New to Voodoo and without access to our Publishing Platform or Publishing Agreement? — Sign up here

  • To review the full Terms & Conditions — Click here

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